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Download the files

The files can be downloaded from Reaper Stash or from Github.

Emulation Mode

The Behringer BCF2000 needs to be in MCU mode to function with these files. MCU mode can be entered by following the next steps

You should be in MCU mode now.

There’s also a video on this on ReaperBlog. Jon tells you exactly how to do so.

Copy the files

If you are here and want to install these files, I presume you already did the steps for installimng CSI. If not, install CSI first. For now stop after step 5. We will pick up later from here

Here the steps for instaling Reapinger BCF2000:

├── Surfaces/
│   ├── Midi/
│       ├── Reapinger-BCF2000.mst
│       └── Other files.mst
├── Zones/
│   ├── Reapinger-BCF2000/
│   │   └── Reapinger-zon-files
│   └── bootstrap.min.js
└── Other CSI Folders/

Install the Surface and Zones

Now we can continue with the installation steps as statet on the CSI wiki pages. There are a couple of steps defined below:

And you’re done.